Self Reparations is not a misguided, anger-driven reaction to racism or historical injustice. Self Reparations is African Americans carving their birthright of wealth out of the American economy and placing it in a fund that serves to enrich African Americans eternally.


For brevity the African American Slave Descendants Reparations Fund is officially called the Self Reparations Fund at the IRS (EIN 86-3465002) and with the financial institution where the fund is housed. It has its own page on this site which can be found in the drop-down About Us navigation link. There will never be a question about how much money is in the fund. Whenever a donation is posted to the account (via PayPal, Stripe or direct mail) we will update the counter accordingly. Let's build wealth! Let's take our birthright!

If you don't believe that America and nations around the world will stand in awe and respect because African Americans practice Self Reparations, then start practicing it with us and see. Considering our numbers, as illustrated in the sea of people on this page, Forty Million And A Tool is not designed to rely on the most wealthy among us. That would NOT be unity. And so we ask all of us to donate only up to $5 per month, probably less than any other monthly expenditure you do. Donate Now!!!